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Here are some of my opinions I have about Hanson, or Hanson related things. If you have an opinion you want to be shown here, or disagree about something I said, e-mail me at and I will either put your opinion up, or respond to your criticism.

-Why the do so many teenage girls say they're in love with them and they want to go out with them, etc.? Why the hell would you want to put up with a boyfriend that is never there, travelling the world without you, and has millions of girls screaming they love them and want to do nasty things to them. I want to congratulate Ike and Tay and Zac for saying how they don't want girlfriends right now, because their music is more important. For all you people that want to marry them or go out with them, that claim they love them...If you love them that much, why don't you listen to what they have to say? They don't want girlfriends!!

-You people out there that think Taylor looks like a girl? Have you ever thought that maybe he wants to look like that? He obviously likes himself and likes the way he looks or he wouldn't look like that. Me and my friend saw a magazine with them in it and she doesn't really like Hanson so she said to me that Taylor's at that age where if he looks like that, he could pass for a girl. The first time I saw them on TV I knew that Taylor was a guy!

-What's so special about Taylor? There are 2 others in the group and they deserve to be treated as well as Taylor. All I see on people's web pages are 'Taylor's so cute, he's so fine, I want Taylor, Taylor's my favorite' etc. Not to mention that their page is plasterd with Taylor pictures. Give Isaac and Zac a chance to be as popular as Taylor. I mean, if Isaac and Zac weren't around nobody would even know who Taylor Hanson is becuase there would be no Hanson. Not to mention the fact that you should like them for their music, not their looks!

-Why are you digusted with people's stories when they maybe go a little further with a girl than you think they should, or maybe they experiment with drugs? It's not your story in the first place and second, it's fiction. So if someone wants to write about them getting plasterd or piss ass drunk or wants to make them sex addicts that sleep with every girl they can get their hands on, let them! You don't have to read it if you don't like it! I know that they don't want girlfriends and they don't really have a personal life because of who they are, but if they were just normal people like you and me, who's to say that's not would they'd be doing? They are human!

-I have to say that they have manners, which most bands don't . I recently read an article on Gavin Rossdale in YM and they asked him about Gwen Stefani. He said something like when No Doubt was asked to open for Bush, he didn't want them to becuase he didn't like them and thought they were no good. Then he said but when he saw what a babe Gwen was he thought that it was cool that they were opening. I like Gavin but his attitude stinks. Now Hanson has a good attitude. They don't go on live TV and have swear and cuss whenever they're asked a question. In fact I saw an interview with them for MuchMusic and they made sure that they said thank you every time a girl threw flowers or something up to them. Zac even thanked this girl when she shouted out "Zac, I love you!" They seem like a bunch of sweeties who haven't let fame go to their heads and hopefully it will stay that way!

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