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I wonder what possesses people to become obsessed with Hanson? I think it's vry abnormal for a person to be obssessed with a person (people) that they have never met. Well, maybe they have met them, but why would they still be obssessed? This doesn't make sense to me!

I'm a Hanson fan, but no way am I obsessed! Sure, I may have pictures and posters of them on my wall along with many others that aren't Hanson. I may tape them on TV shows, but only for the purpose that I like their music. Not so I can stare at Taylor or Isaac or Zac all day long, whenever I want! Ya, I own their CD, I like the music. I think Taylor is cute, but so is Isaac, and Zac. Not that I care if they are cute or not! I like the Backstreet Boys, and I don't see any cute ones there! You're probably thinking I'm obsessed because I have a page for them and a story. Big Deal, I have a page! At least I don't have facts about what color toothbrush they have and what they sleep in! I personally don't want to know either! I wrote this story because I like writing and I had an good idea that happened to include them. Sure the character's going out with Isaac, but my second story the character's going out with Taylor. Just because I used my name doesn't mean the character's portraying me either!

Why is it that people get so obsessed over them? I seen some girls page and her e-mail address was "MrsTaylorHanson". Little obsessed or what? Sure, my e-mail address has to do with Hanson, but that's because my page has to do with Hanson. I have another one that people write to me when it doesn't involve my Hanson page. Why do girls cry themselves to sleep at night because they aren't with Taylor? And what's the big deal with Taylor? There's 2 other members of the group too, if you haven't noticed! Do you really care what they sleep in? What color their toothbrushes are? I think the people I just described should grow up! Hanson are humans, do human things and are exactly like us. The only difference is they happen to have a cd out!

Agree with me? Disagree? Let me know what you think by writing to me at

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